Flugvélar ekki í sínu rétta hlutverki....;)
11.7.2008 | 14:44
Góđan daginn kćru vinir...
Nú höldum viđ áfram okkar ferđalagi...hehehehehe... eins og ég sagđi í síđasta bloggi ađ ţá ćtlađi ég ađ koma međ enn eitt blogg um eitthvađ spennó...uuuu....hin tvö bloggin voru kannski ekki beint svo
..en ţetta er allavega meira spennó..og góđ hugmynd ađ nýta ţađ sem hefur ţjónađ okkur í háloftunum og eru útbrunninn í ţví hlutverki.
En myndirnar tala sínu máli...
Top 10 Odd Uses for Airplanes
Planes are perhaps the hardest things to get rid off. That is why, with a little creativity and a small budget, one can cleverly reuse them. Some already ahead and created some of the coolest, oddest or funniest hangout.
This is a house built by Bruce Campbell out of the Boeing 727 - he got a trendy, one-of-a-kind villa in the woods.

"Cosmic Muffin" is the most unusual boat, made out of a rare and historic aircraft - the Boeing 307 Stratoliner "( dating back from 1937).

The Boeing 307 Stratoliner was fitted with a luxury interior, including a bedroom, and named The Flying Penthouse after being used in World War II. It was originally owned by Howard Hughes which he bought in 1939.

This Boeing 307, the Clipper Flying Cloud belongs to the Pan American Airways and has been restored for the National Air and Space Museum (the Smithsonian). The fully functional plane is the world's only remaining Stratoliner.

This villa in South Africa really is not quite the real plane, though it gets credit for trying.

This is an airplane conversion serving as a museum and a house in the Russian city of Perm.

When you see an abandoned airplane, you naturally try to make the best of it. This is what some clever Romanians did somewhere near a national road - a functional restaurant in a deserted aircraft.

An aircraft turned into an yacht. Until the rescue team arrives, one can enjoy the sun and water on the wing of the plane.

The following Fairchild C-123 was a part of one of the biggest scandals in the mid 1980's, involved in Reagan's plan to free US hostages held in Lebanon. Long story short, the plane was shot down in southern Nicaragua and was eventually abandoned at the International Airport in San Jose. The current owners bought it for $3,000 and turned it into "El avion" - a restaurant, bar, coffee store, and a relic of the Cold War.

Jćja hvernig finnst ykkur ţessi hugmynd??? Mér finnst hún nokkuđ góđ...
Allavega sem bar og matsölustađ...
En segiđ mér ykkar álit.
Skjáumstum sćta fólk.
Kv. Gunna.
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hćhć. já mér líst vel á ţessa hugmynd.
Og veistu ađ eg ćtla fá mér eina slíka og planta henni upp í sveit, umhverfiđ er allstađar eins međ hjólhýsum út um allt en eitt stk flugvél setur vip á svćđiđ.
Ekki galiđ ;)
Kveđja Guđrún Ing.
Aprílrós, 11.7.2008 kl. 14:53
ahhaahha....já já Guđrún mín...;) hún mun allavega vekja athygli...;)híhíhí..
Svo er líka svo gaman ađ vera ađeins öđruvísi
Kv Gunna.
Guđrún Ágústa Einarsdóttir, 11.7.2008 kl. 17:00
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.